Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So I'm not very good at this, am I?????

We dropped A off at college on August 22nd. I love the way freshman are treated on moving in day - seriously, I mean it!! We parked in the parking lot and sent A to get a new ID card because she lost the one she got at orientation already (love the ADHD girl!!). Then she filled out paperwork that I didn't have to sign because she's 18 - yeah!! Then ROTC people took a little golf cart with a trailer on the back to our van and unloaded all her stuff and moved it into her 2nd floor dorm room. We picked up her books at the bookstore, sent dad and sister to radio shack to pick up a computer cord and some batteries, and then sat around and watched her unpack. I was ready to leave when the roomate moved in with 4 people in her family and A looked at me and said "don't go". So we waited a little while longer. There were tears in her eyes and mine when we said good-bye. As DH and S and I walked to the parking lot, S asked if I was all right and I told her I couldn't talk about it. I rushed back to the van, unlocked the door, and sobbed loudly. I felt so bad leaving her there, I knew she was upset too, but in order to get anywhere in life, you have to make sacrifices and move outside your comfort zone and experience life. More later.....

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